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A Luxury home builder has to be a perfectionist.
10-04-2010, 12:06 AM
Post: #1
A Luxury home builder has to be a perfectionist.
The term opulence can be taken both in a positive and negative sense. Though it is something beyond the discretion of the human beings it can be treated according to ones own discretion as it is the mindset which designs it all. For each and every human being the perspective towards luxury will be different. Today what we call a luxurious home may not be luxurious for others, as for them it might be a normal house. Today to have such a judgment it is not necessary that the opinionate should be from a very aristocratic background and have seen much more luxurious houses than the present one. It is all a matter of suppositions, on which today most of the people dwell.

When the ideas get designed in the mindset it is imprinted over a paper by the designer which will further take the shape of a concrete structure called a house. The designer can’t rely on mere suppositions like the common man’s judgment, but he should have solid bits and pieces to substantiate the significance of the design. It is rather true when he designs a luxury house as such. The consumer will have to be aware of the capital been spent. Such specifications are noteworthy to be a successful luxury home builder. Thus the capital thus spent and the productivity from the same has to be tallied which ultimately comes at the hand of the builder.

Thus to builtLuxury Homes Buildershave to be more conscious and specific, as it involves high investment of capital when compared, and thus has to be perfect in all respects. Thus a builder should think at par of perfection when he designs the same. Unlike other homes, for luxury homes it is the builder who is the leader and at the same time can be the loser. His minutest folly can lead to an over flow of capital on the part of the consumer and as such it will be a black mark on his growth as well. A builder at the same time will have utmost freedom to expose his creativity. Even a mere bathroom can be an experimentation centre where he can introduce a number of spa features, flower tubs, attractive bath curtains, open or glass ceiling , censor showers and so on. Thus a luxury home builder is demanded of being a perfectionist in all respects.

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